Feb 21, 2022
Through highly interactive programs, we can help project professionals grow their teamwork skills, create increased team performance and change agility.
Feb 14, 2022
Using cohort-based learning and peer-to-peer group sessions to drive culture change
Feb 8, 2022
When supporting organizations and leaders in cultivating thriving and sustainable cultures, we have..
Jan 31, 2022
"Culture evolution and innovation is often the prisoner to the boundaries, insecurities, fears, and..
Jan 17, 2022
Why have a plan? What is next for 2022 that should be part of my culture plan? What are the steps..
Jan 10, 2022
The art of building culture champions - Practicing Deep reflection
Dec 17, 2021
Today, it's not enough to create change above the waterline and at the level of symptoms and..

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[Exercise] The Ladder of Inference

A cultural exercise that makes us pay attention to how we think, create and reinforce assumptions..

Mar 1, 2022

Cultural Paradigms - Where are you operating from?

When developing new strategies for your team and company, you should first ask, “Is our culture..

Apr 26, 2022

Driving a Paradigm Shift [Exercise]

“Seeing is not believing; believing is seeing! You see things, not as they are, but as you are." -..


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